Public Articles
First off, download the PDF contains better visuals, images, and footnotes at the bottom of the page.
Secondly, strap in, 'cause this one's a long one.
Thirdly, enjoy.
The Economy of Behavior Control is leveraged through investing your mental effort.
That phrase may sound like some buzzword BS to you, but the idea behind it is powerful.
If only the great Benjamin Franklin knew what you’re about to, he may have been able to attain his desired “moral perfection”.
We all know it’s easier to hit a target that we...
Habits this and habits that. Ya, ya, we get it. They’re important.
And it’s common knowledge that we should have good habits...
but most of us don’t really know WHY or HOW t...
You don’t keep the windows open when you have the AC running, do you?
Of course not. That’s wasteful.
Yet we waste our mental dollars every day.
I’ll show you how we waste a...