Teammating + Course (10 Weeks)

What you get:

  • COACHING Teammating: 5x Weekly 1-Hour Sessions ($997)
    *Limited Time Offer: Earn 5 Extra Teammate Calls (1-hour each) when you complete the course-work within the first week ($997)

  • COURSE: The Habit Course ($497)

  • MINI-COURSE: Guided Introspection Mini-Course ($247)

  • COMMUNITY: Lifetime Access to The Habit Community (Coming Soon)

  • Total Price Summary: $2,491 → $997

The Guarantee

Gain your first habit within 10 weeks or I'll be your teammate for free until you do. All you gotta do is put in the work. 

Got questions?

Call/text me anytime 📲 (949) 381-1875
Or book a 🖥️ 30-min call with me

What People Are Saying:

Most self-help/improvement courses and books talk about what you should do, but not necessarily why. For the skeptics and nonbelievers, this course will single-handedly change the way you think about everyday actions and behavior. I truly believe that if they taught this in schools, or even in college, the general population on Earth would see a huge uplift in productivity, wealth, and happiness. As someone who has been through trauma, addiction, depression, and just overall making excuses and feeling sorry for myself, I wish I had found this earlier. Just like investments, the sooner you implement this, the sooner and more efficient your everyday life will become. Highly recommended!

Jay Lee

$997.00 USD

*Get 5 extra weeks of coaching teammating (1-hour maintenance sessions).

The cost? You have to complete the course work (not including BONUS material) within the first week of purchase.

It's about 3 hours of video lessons and work combined... aka very manageable.