$25.00 USD


Unlock Productivity with Your iPhone

Distraction to Action

Do you have to put your iPhone in another room to stay focused? Want its productivity... without the distraction? This course is for you!

In less than 45 minutes, you’ll learn how to create a focused digital environment tailored to your specific needs. When you're done with this mini-course, you’ll have a healthier relationship with your iPhone, transforming it from a source of distraction to a source of desired action.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Simplify Your Homepage: Reduce overwhelm by creating an essential, clutter-free homepage. This is like Spring Cleaning for your Digital Home, turning chaos into clarity.
  • Create Your Digital Room: Design a custom Focus (Digital Room) for specific activities, whether it’s creative work, relaxation, or deep focus. Just like having a dedicated space at home or in the office, your phone will now support your intentions.
  • Automate with Shortcuts: Learn to create Shortcuts that not only enter you in your Digital Rooms but also automate multiple tasks at once. Imagine turning on your favorite music, adjusting the lighting, launching multiple apps and so much more... all with a single tap!

Why Take This Class?

  • Increase Productivity: Leverage your iPhone to its full potential without getting distracted.
  • Personalized Experience: Tailor your phone’s environment to support your goals.
  • Save Time: Quickly access the tools and settings you need with one click.

Who This Class Is For:

This course is perfect for anyone who feels overwhelmed by their iPhone but wants to harness its productivity. Whether you’re a student, professional, or someone looking to create better habits, this course will provide the tools and knowledge you need.

Instructor Background:

As a seasoned Habit Teammate, I’ve spent years helping clients transform their daily routines and maximize productivity. My specialty is helping my clients go from Intention to Behavior to Habit to Identity... and over these past few years it's become apparent that our phones are playing a bigger and bigger role in our lives.

So I’ve distilled the most practical iPhone tactics into this course to help you quickly and effectively reshape your relationship with your phone. Nothing against Android users, it's just that iPhone has Focuses, which are a game-changer for changing behavior and getting your phone on your team.

Tools Needed:

  • An iPhone
  • A can-do habitude

Ready to Transform Your Digital Home?

Join me in this course and discover how to make your iPhone work for you, not against you. Let’s dive in and unlock the productivity within your iPhone together!


Don't want to pay?

Check it out on Skillshare with a free month.


Got questions?

Call/text me anytime 📲 (949) 381-1875
Or book a 🖥️ 30-min call with me